About Sass_Metal
I first got involved with the NZ Heavy Metal Community in 2007 attending shows and moshing my little heart out! In 2008 I was given the opportunity to help out at gigs by selling the Merchandise, manning the doors at shows and helping to promote them. In 2009 I went back to study and finished a Diploma in Music Event & Artist Management with Merits in both Event and Artist Management. In Dec 2009 I started to manage my first band and in Feb 2010 I ran my first gig. In 2014 I toured my first international band - the legendary ANVIL! Mid 2016 I was a co-host on a Hard Rock and Heavy Metal radio show. At the end of 2016 I joined in partnership with Dirthouse Agency in Australia to form a touring partnership and also started writing for a local NZ Music Site reviewing local shows and releases. Excited to see where this music journey takes me next \m/ \m/