By my own calculations – and as ever, I welcome correction if necessary – this is Israeli guitarist Avi Rosenfeld‘s SIXTY THIRD album release, and his fourth this year. That’s a Stakhanovian work rate, as to the best of my knowledge the man isn’t a hundred years old. And, like most of the other sixty two, After The Battle features a dependable set of hard rock songs, the music and performance of which continues to be informed by a desire to celebrate the seventies output of names like Deep Purple, Rainbow and, to a lesser extent, Uriah Heep.
If you’ve ever heard any of Rosenfeld’s work, you know what to expect, and if you haven’t, well, here is as good a place to start as any. Rosenfeld is a talented guitarist, although his albums are generally song-focused rather than Malmsteenesque expositions of technique; but his real talent seems to be in unearthing Hammond Organ players – all of whom will disappear into the ether after the release of this album, just like those before them. There are five on this album, the best of whom – probably Marco Ballarani, who also contributes drums to one track, and David Moreno, who really adds oomph to the excellent Ejection Seat – really deserve to be heard by wider audiences than Rosenfeld, well-meaning though he is, can give them.
Two main singers feature, with Stefano Stex Sbrignadello handling the more flamboyant material whilst Erik Cruz – who sounds a bit like Praying Mantis throat John Jaycee Cuijpers at times – is probably more solid and dependable; both are good singers, and in the past it’s been the vocals that have been the weak link in Rosenfeld’s albums. I’m pleased to report that that is definitely not the case here.
And what of the man himself? Rosenfeld is a little restrained, if anything, adding colour with his solos but allowing those organ maestros to share in the heavy lifting for most of the time.
The bottom line here is that this is a pretty enjoyable romp through well-worn musical territory – and if you don’t mind that as a concept then there’s plenty here that’ll bring a smile to your dial. Give it a go.
After The Battle is out now.
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