Arizona’s Jupiter Cyclops have hit the ground running with debut album Age of The UFOnaut. Stoner/psych rock and metal bands are ten a penny these days, and not many of them have the wit or style to rise from the sludgy mire to exhibit revolutionary (or maybe evolutionary) traits like originality or flair.

So it’s an absolute delight to stumble across these blokes, whose record is absolutely bulging at the seams with excitement and verve.

Basically they’ve taken all the best bits of the seventies, heavy rock wise, and formed them in their own image. Aaron Peltz is a marvellous singer, taking a soupçon of Hagar, a dash of Meniketti, and a whole lot of his own talent to deliver a compelling performance, which is only boosted by a commanding lead guitar performance from Dustin Lyon, who has to be one of the most impressive axemen I’ve heard in a while.

Built on the back of these two major operators, tracks like Between Worlds sound absolutely gargantuan, But on the album’s standout cut, Sinful Ways, they manage to elevate things to such a level as to appear almost Godlike. (In a Gods as Astronauts, Erich von Däniken kinda way, natch). Lyon’s lead work is dazzling, bolstered by some lithe n’lissom rhythmic counterpunches from drummer Kyle Eades and rhythm buddy Jake Melius. Imagine Ram Jam duking it out with Montrose and you’re getting close…

Seriously, Age of The UFOnaut is a stunning listening proposition, a forty minute mission to the heart of psych rock, and a glorious, freewheeling celebration of everything that’s great about heavy metal rock n’roll into the bargain. It’ll make you dance, it’ll make you bang your head, it’ll have you air guitaring until severe RSI sets in… all the good stuff. Get it into your ears as soon as you can. You won’t regret it!

Age of the UFOnaut releases on July 19th.