Pinto Graham. Geddit!?! Oh, never mind… Have a listen to this half-dozen track EP and have a think about what you’re hearing. I’m not going to explain it any further here…
Anyway, PG hail from the North Eastern part of the USA but deliver a distinctly Southern sound. The south of the Milky Way, that is; their glorious racket conflates all manner of pictures in the mind as it wends it’s way on a twenty-odd minute journey through the senses. At times the goodtime vibes of the zee zees and Edgar Winter might be brought to mind, whilst at others a darker vibe is at play. Hell, even the desperado space grunge cowboy himself, Dave Wyndorf, might find himself at home on a few of these cuts. It really is that good.
The key, I guess, is the tang of authenticity any Yankee band automatically has when approaching this kinda musical fun n’games. Were the Pintos English, they’d sound vaguely ludicrous – think Ian Astbury in his Cowboy and Indian mode – but here, on tracks like the quite brilliant closer The Weight, everything makes sense, and everything is as it should be. Mountain duking it out with Blackfoot for the right to take on Vanilla Fudge in the Rockaboogie World Series Finals (are you sure this is a thing?-Ed) is the best description I can come up with of what my battered ears have just witnessed, and let me tell yas it’s a righteous black storm of a noise and no mistake…
Andre Roman is quite some guitarist; his fingers pepper every song here with exemplary lead work, and though the production doesn’t quite allow him to go full Iommi when he really needs to he’s certainly no slouch in the riff department either. If the seventies are where your musical wheelhouse is most at rest, you need this record, And even if it isn’t, there’s a lot of fun to be had within it’s grooves for the discerning rocker. Enjoy!
Dos is out now.
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