Mickey’s Metal Morsels: Episode Twenty Four
Michael Stronge2024-09-16T06:59:25+10:00Michael Stronge makes his way back from the metal underground with another fine selection of morsels designed to delight and excite!
Michael Stronge makes his way back from the metal underground with another fine selection of morsels designed to delight and excite!
We kick off our annual look at the best rock and metal albums of the year by counting down from number 100 to 76 - is your favourite amongst these?
Hear their new single here!
There are four new entries, a re-entry and a brand new number one on this week's Sentinel Daily Top Thirty Album Chart...
Non-ironic HM done right...
Continuing our countdown and moving into the top half of the chart as we count down from numbers 50 to 26...