We love a bit of historical metal here at Sentinel Daily, and so 1714, the new album from Spanish metalheads Whirlwind, would appear to be right up our alley, using as it does the story of The Siege of Barcelona in 1714 as it’s backdrop.

Of course, you don’t need to be a student of the past to enjoy Whirlwind’s music (which in iteslf also harks back in time – most of the album sounds as if it were written and recorded in 1986), but it would certainly enhance your enjoyment of the album as a whole to know what songs like Cannons of Infuriation and The Bastard Duke are about.

Anyways, enough of my mythering – what does the album sound like, I hear you muttering. Well, as noted, this is classic, straight-down-the-line heavy metal we’re dealing with; imagine, if you will, Running Wild in their own eighteenth-century inspired pomp, augmented by little thrash flourishes (especially in the huge-sounding gang vocals that accompany almost every song) and garnished by a hint of Mercyful Fate; sound good? Then dig in…

…Yes, dig in, certainly, but buyer beware – Whirlwind, as their name might suggest, don’t really know how to take their foot off the accelerator, with the result being that some of the material does end up sounding a little one dimensional and samey in places. The kitchen sink production doesn’t really help, pitting everything against everything else in a maelstrom of sound that cries out for a little separation every now and then, but this is perhaps a matter of personal taste more than a credible technical grouse. However, it must be said the the straightforward, simpler material on offer here – the excellent Gallows Tithe especially – really does work best.

But whatever small misgivings I may have – and they are small in the general scheme of things – if you happen to think that old school is the best school then I think you’ll get a lot out of 1714 – but don’t take my word for it – have a listen yourself!

1714 releases on November 22nd.