Adelaide-based deathsters Descend To Acheron certainly know a thing or two about noise and it’s generation. Midways through the third track on this all-too-brief six tracker, The Godless Part I, your various senses will catch up with one another after being subjected to a severe nine minute beating and you’ll begin to be able to make sense of what you’re hearing.
Blackened death is a very competitive market, and the samey nature of a lot of the scene’s various component expositors sometimes makes wading through new releases by bands like DTA a chore rather than a delight. But there enough moments running throughout The Transience of Flesh – Andy Kite‘s sly insertion of melody into the paint stripping vocals on the title track, Matthew Phillips‘ superb bass contributions on Godless Part I, the magnificent lead guitar work from Peter Clarke on Godless Part II to name just three instances – to suggest that this outfit are already a little ahead of the pack in terms of creativity and inspiration.
Your Suffering Is A Gift is as superbly concise a lesson in violence as you could wish to be subjected to, the brutal mayhem leavened by some surprise – and very well executed – guest vocals from Lia-Maria Marsiglia. There’s undeniably a knack to making ‘listenable’ extreme metal, and time and again on The Transience of Flesh Descend To Acheron prove that mastered same. I have to say I’m already something of a fan of this band after just a few spins of this EP, and I’m looking forward to some more of the same – in longer form, hopefully – very soon!
The Transience of Flesh releases on December 4th.
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