‘Murderous rampage’
‘Sickened HM-2 evilnoise’
‘Cold and Reptilian’
‘Undeniable first-gen primal Cogumelo worship’
Sometimes in this life you have to hold your hand up and admit that someone beat you to the punch. What, really, is the point of asking me to review the new album from Chilean lunatics Putrid Yell when the phrases above – all to be found in the album’s press release – have already been thought up and deployed? I literally couldn’t have put it better myself, and nor could the team of typewriter-wielding Primates I’ve recently employed to help me out with what Sentinel Daily editor Scott Adams politely refers to as my ‘review blockage’.
But I digress; Consuming Aberration is all the things mentioned in that first paragraph, but even those punchy descriptions don’t fully convey the utter madness to be found within the album’s grooves. The entire album is a ten track, thirty-seven minute blur of nihilistic, ear-damaging mayhem, punctuated only by the gaps between the ‘songs’ themselves which give the listener some sort of respite before the punishment starts again.
I mean all this in a good way, of course; Fourth track Re-Animator is about as good as this stuff gets, or so you’d think, but then these nutcases go one better on follow up track Forgotten Souls, where the band somewhat improbably introduce concepts like songcraft and pacing into their mix, slowing things down with some Morbid sludge midsong to create something that’s surprisingly accomplished if you’re at all familiar with this whole HM-2 caper.
This is all relative, you understand; fans of Dream Theater aren’t going to come knocking in droves because of some nifty arrangements, but you get my drift. Behind the sturm and the drang, there’s a pretty accomplished outfit lurking in the sewers here, and they’ve come up with some mighty fine filth for your delectation if you’ve got ears to hear.
Consuming Aberration is out now.
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