Whitfield Crane and the Orchestra of Doom: “I love the amalgam of Tennis and Metal”…
Paul Kerr2019-08-16T08:29:50+10:00Hair metal humourist or gonzo orchestral Don? Mr Crane is a man of man parts, as Paul Kerr found out...
Hair metal humourist or gonzo orchestral Don? Mr Crane is a man of man parts, as Paul Kerr found out...
Rock meets classic might not be a new concept, but Mr Crane brings a new twist to the tale to Australia this December...
Exciting News!
Zakk's back with Ozzy, he's got a new album out... Paul Kerr finds out what's going on down at the Black Vatican...
There's a lot to like about the new album from American rockers Soldiers of Solace, even if there is a ring of familiarity about the band's sound...
Zakk Wylde's Black Label Society release their tenth studio full-lengther today...